Lasse Lehtinen

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Lasse Lehtinen

Lasse Antero Lehtinen (s. 23. tammikuuta 1947 Kotka) on suomalainen poliitikko, toimittaja ja kirjailija ja entinen tupakkalobbari.

Lasse Lehtinen (Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs.) palkattiin Amer-yhtymään sidosryhmäjohtajaksi vuonna 1990. Lasse Lehtisen tarpeeseen vaikuttivat mm. Pentti Ahon tuotevastuuoikeudenkäynti, Olli Laihon lipsautus, sekä alati kiristyvä tupakkalainsäädäntö ja tupakkatuotteiden ottaminen tuotevastuun piiriin. Mitä ilmeisimmin Lasse Lehtinen oli jo aiemmin Amer-Yhtymän palveluksessa.

Yhdessä Lasse Lehtinen, Satu Kaarenoja ja Tupakkatehtaiden Yhdistyksen asiamies Raimo Lintuniemi pitivät huolta siitä, että kansalaiset ja lääkintöhallituksen edustajat saisivat ja uskoisivat nimen omaisesti Philip Morriksen ja BAT Finlandin lääketiedettä.

Lasse Lehtinen laski liikkeelle Philip Morriksen lääketiedettä vuosina 1990-2002, jonka ajan hän oli Amerin tiedotuslehtien toimittajana.

Amer-Yhtymän ja Philip Morriksen kirjeenvaihtoa Lasse Lehtistä koskien

Varhaisin löytämämme kirjeenvaihto Lasse Lehtisestä

Lasse Lehtisen tarpeellisuus tulee ensimmäistä kertaa ilmi. Kansanedustaja taustastaan johtuen hän oli oiva henkilö sidosryhmäjohtajaksi. Myös vuoden 1991 eduskuntavaalit olivat lähestymässä.

To: MSJOEBLO--VCH0021A Mats Sjoeblom
JPUOTILA--VCH0021A Johan Puotila
	SPARRISH--VCH0021A Steve Parrish
	FDULLES --VCH0021A Frederick Dulles
	SFEMAHE1--VCH0021A Helsinki Field Off
	MPARSONS--VCH0021A Michael Parsons
	Date and time 06/08/90 15:15:47
From: Stig CarisonTo: Steve Parrish

Subject: Product Liability Legislation/Finland - URGENT

Kari Kauniskangas has agreed to a working party nest week. Although ATO expects the voting in Parliament to take place in the fall, we can not exclude the posibility of a voting before summer break.

As this is both a legal, and CA matter, I suggest that Johan participates. The initial recommendations to influence the situation follow 3 lines:
1. a possibility to get a reaction from the Minister/Minister that originally initiated the work;
2. senior legal experts who foresee problems with other areas if tobacco becomes a presedent, and
3. leading politicians who want closer harmonization with EEC.

In general, I feel that ATO has 2 persons who should be able to put some force behind lobbying efforts;
- Heikki 0. Salonen. I just wonder why has not done so before.
- Lasse Lehtinen, who is a former MP and who could help us target information drives towards the 
a. party leaders, and
b. legal experts in all leading parties.

Mr Lehtinen should also be able to motivate a few MP's to stand up in Parliament.
Good hunting.

*** Forwarding note from JPUOTILA--VCH0021A 06/08/90 14:05 ***
To: SPARRISH--VCH0021A Steve Parrish

From: Johan Puotila
To: Steven Parrish
Subject: Product Liability Legislation/Finland - URGENT

I've just received the memorandum of the Second Law Committee concerning the Finnish Product Liability Bill. A translation of the memorandum will be faxed to you by ATO a.s.a.p, but because of the nature of the issue - and the content of the memorandum - I hereby send you my translation of the key parts in the memorandum.

In short: Mr. Aurejaervi has got his message through, we have definately not. The memorandum is in its worthing very clear: The Product Liability Law should be applied to tobacco products. This is not suggested to be specifically said in the law itself, but the memorandum of the Second Law Committee has the same effect, as it shows the intention of the legislator.

A couple og quotes:

"In the motivations of the Government's proposal it is noted, that when it comes to tobacco, the consumer can be considered being aware of the dangers which for sure or with a great probability are related to the use of tobacco. However, the marketing activities of tobacco

Kuukausiraportti 9/1990 (IANCOU MARCOVITCH)

Tuesday 18th: IAM - Meeting in Paris with Drs. D. DUSSER and S.,PRETET of the Department of Pneumology, Hbpital Cochin, University of Paris to discuss their research project on respiratory physio-pathollogy. HER - Meeting at PM EEMA, Lauisanne with JUKKA ANT-WUORINEN and LASSE LEHTINEN of Amer Tupakka, Finland. Mr. LEHTINEN has a background as former member of parliament and a career diplomat and~ he is now a popular author. He recently joined the Board of Directors of Amer Tupakka as CA director. In his general briefing program, a session was reserved for questions of smoking and health. The two,videos "On People and Numbers" and "'Why People Smoke" opened the field for an in-depth discussion on major pitfalls of the health statistics used today, and the many psychosocial factors satisfied by smoking.

Lasse Lehtisen matka New Yorkiin

Lakiasiain toimisto Covington & Burling LLP konsultoi Philip Morriksen työntekijöitä lobbausta ja tuotevastuuoikeudenkäyntejä varten.

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